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Criticism - The Guidance

By Junaid Tahir Ideally speaking, Criticism is the act of analyzing someone or something (such as an article, video, book, product, or servi...

By Junaid Tahir

Ideally speaking, Criticism is the act of analyzing someone or something (such as an article, video, book, product, or service) with the intention of improving personnel, product, or services. However, in day-to-day life, you will meet so many people criticizing with negative intentions. For example, they do this to defame, discourage, and demotivate others. So, it is usually used in a negative sense, although criticizing does not necessarily mean to find fault. In this article, I shall give my comments in two categories. First, when you are being criticized, and second, when you are criticizing:

1. When you are being criticized:

a) Take it positively. There is a chance that your well-wisher has rightly drawn your attention to something for which there is a dire need for improvement. If this is the case, be grateful to the person who helped you identify the aspect of improvement and move towards the corrective actions.

b) Analyze it carefully. There is a chance that the criticism is being done just to depress you. If required, seek advice from some friend or colleague about this negative feedback. If the feedback is meant to be good, see point a; else, shun it right away without allowing it to disturb your peace of mind.

2. When you are criticizing someone/something:

a) Be positive and encouraging. Always remember that negative criticism results in the generation of negative energies, so try to criticize in a positive and encouraging manner. Do not become the 'full-stop' for someone's creativity.

b) Check your intentions. Whenever you are about to criticize, ask yourself whether your intention is to help assist the person or you are just going to spread negativity, which will consequently result in the corrosion of someone's creative skills.

c) Encourage and provide constructive feedback. If you really want to criticize someone, do it in an encouraging way. Try to give your comments in multiple groups so that the person understands your feedback and can segregate it easily, transforming your suggestions into corrective actions.

d) Avoid complaining. Remember that the act of complaining is taking criticism to the next level, which is even more damaging and dangerous. So try to remain within the limits of criticism instead of complaints.

Having said that, there are bad-mouthed people who are in the habit of constant criticism, regardless of their mental comprehension of things. Be aware of them. They are polluting not only themselves but the environment as well and ultimately impacting you, your product, your skills, and/or your services